Perfect Balance Natural Health

What is Perfect Balance?

We offer natural methods to allow your body to be healthy naturally. We want to meet you where you are and help you gain the health you want. To get started, click below and we will give you a call to reserve a space for your initial assessment.

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What is Perfect Balance?

We offer natural methods to allow your body to be healthy naturally. We want to meet you where you are and help you gain the health you want. To get started, click below and we will give you a call to reserve a space for your initial assessment.

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Your health is our goal 

We believe each client has unique health needs, that no two people are the same.  While some respond well to a certain diet or environment, others do not.  Instead of trying to reduce each person to the same protocol, we’ve found it’s all about finding balance for each individual.  We aim to help each client find their perfect balance, that they may live a life to the fullest extent.

We take a holistic approach.  Our current health system in America is so complicated that we have divided the body into parts and specialties.  Each doctor focuses on only one aspect of the body, e.g. urinary, immune system, cardiovascular, neurology, digestion, etc.  Many times this means a person has to jump from one specialist to another trying to get help.  The system is also primarily focused on making symptoms go away.  Many times it is not directed towards figuring out what is causing the symptom in the first place.   It often does not attempt to help people get healthy and solve the issue at its core.  

At Perfect Balance Natural Health, we are focused on helping each client get healthy.  We look at the whole body as it is working together, taking into account all physical, mental, emotional, and social factors.  We look at your ability to heal and function, as well as what is holding you back from feeling your best.  We believe every person has the ability to heal and perform at its best, it is a natural property built into their body.  We work to come alongside and help activate this process with each client.

No matter the health issue, if you’re looking to improve your life it in a natural way, we believe we can help.



Your new path to healthy living can start today.


Your new path to healthy living can start today.


Our goal is to meet your health needs and help you become as healthy as you can. 
Your body is designed to heal. 
We want to help you figure out what your body needs to enable it to heal. 

In fact, your first visit is a 2 hour session that focuses on your whole body.
Find out more about our services.


Miracle of Health

Our bodies are capable of healing.

Miracle of Health

Our bodies are capable of healing.

a note from our founder 

Miracle of health: Our Amazing Bodies

I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis when I was 11 years of age.  The only thing the doctors could offer were steroids, to which my mother said “no.”  Instead, she jumped into studying how nutritional supplements could help me.  I began a lifelong habit of taking natural supplements to help my body heal.  This set my brain into subconsciously realizing my body had the miracle of healing built in.

In nursing school; however, I did not learn anything designed to help the body perform in a healthy way.  The knowledge and techniques were great for trauma response but not for being and staying healthy.  As an RN working in the hospital I loved working with people to help them, but was frustrated knowing they were still unhealthy and would end up coming back to the hospital in the future.

In 2004, my husband became extremely ill with a liver abscess.  For the first time I sat on the “other” side of the hospital bed as he struggled to live and then regain strength.  I knew his life would be saved, but I also knew he could have the same problem again in the future.  In frustration, I prayed for the ability to learn how to help this body heal naturally as it was designed to do.  This prayer began my journey in natural health.  Two years later, Perfect Balance Natural Health came into existence.

It is our belief that God created every human being to be self-healing. Take a look at the incredible abilities and functions of your own body. You have an immune system that works 24 hours a day to clean your body and destroy toxins. When you obtain a wound, the blood automatically rushes to the site and begins mending. When you have bacteria or viruses your nose starts to run and your body raises its own temperature in an attempt fight off the issue. 

Why are people sick?

Your body knows how to rid itself of toxins.  So then why are so many people sick, tired, feeling worn-out, have cancer or heart disease, or any of the other rampant diseases?

Now consider what you put into your body as fuel. Our standard American diet (which is sad at best) consists of highly processed foods that cause acid to build up in your body. Yes; grains, meat, dairy, sugar, anything in a can or box is acidic. Our bodies are designed to function on primarily alkaline foods. So, in reality, we are causing our own disease. We are forcing our body to detoxify all the acidic foods we put into our mouth. Thankfully God gave our body the ability to filter and detoxify, it’s brilliant at compensating and finding a balance. However, our body has a limited amount of this ability to compensate for poor habits. 

Do you want to experience how your body is supposed to function?  Do you want to experience the miracle of healing?  Just like your car runs normally with the right kind of fuel and maintenance, your body will function best with the right kind of food and nutrients. 

God has already given you a body that is designed to heal. To experience this incredible "miracle" you have to do your part, and that's where we join you!  We are here to help you better understand your own unique health needs so that you can perform at your best.  

Thank you for joining us, it is our joy to be a part of your journey towards a healthy life, a life to the full.

- Barbara Morris

Take a step towards a healthy life
Will you do your part?

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.